IoT Startups from Mexico (beta)

iot startups from mexico (beta)
iot startups from mexico (beta)

Contxto – Perhaps IoT sounds a bit OTT. It certainly does sound a bit on The Matrix side for those who don’t quite follow what it means. Yet, the Internet of Things in Mexico and anywhere else is simultaneously far more simple and far more complex than meets the eye.

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The Internet of Things

IoT is the union of hardware and software to make the world we exist in interconnected enough to be “smart”.

This could mean making really quite menial tasks so efficient so as to change their nature altogether. Take the lockers ClickNBox. They are literally lockers where you can pick up orders, but with a bit of IoT magic, they allow last-mile delivery services to understand the ebb and flow of their complex distribution systems. 

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IoT in Mexico

Yet, these apps can also be super specific, tackling Mexican problems with Mexican solutions. Indeed, this is particularly true of the physical security IoT startups of Mexico. And they tackle all sorts of problems.

From those caused by poor infrastructure for the disabled, with Strap Technologies’ wearable blindness canes, to the issues stemming from the threat of earthquakes. In fact, there are two IoT startups dealing with this problem.  

And, finally, there is a blend of both generalist and localized apps, dealing with health, business-to-business (B2B), and farming solutions. This last startup, Smartbell, connects with your livestock so you can keep track of how each cow is health-wise, individually, and collectively. 

Un-herd of.

Related articles: Tech and startups from Mexico!


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